Angel Falls and Panther Falls

Angel Falls

Both are cascading falls of about 50 feet and are located along Joe Branch Creek. Starting from the rear of the Rabun Beach Camping Area #2, it is a moderately strenuous one mile hike to the viewing bridge at the foot of Angel Falls. Panther Falls is located along the same trail at the ½ mile mark. Above Panther Falls, the trail ascends through a heavy rhododendron canopy along a number of other cascades.

Directions:  From Clayton, take US 441 south for 7 miles.  Turn right on unnumbered county rod for .1 mile, then turn left on GA Hwy 15 for two miles.  Turn right on County Road 10 for five miles.  Enter Rabun Beach Campground #2 entrance, go .2 miles to the parking area on the right.  Trailhead is 80 feet to the north.
Along the way, we saw small caves where bear stay. See a picture of one of this caves on the right. Please be aware that bears stay here. I thought I heard a low growl while walking on this path. Needless to say, I felt intimidated and almost turned back toward the car, but stayed anyway. It was scary and exciting at the same time!

See Angel Panther Falls waterfall picture on the left side. We walked up to Panther Falls but did not see how to get to Angel Falls from there. Will return to find it and will have info, pictures and a video of it. Please see the video of Panther Falls at the bottom of this page.

For a complete listing of Rabun County’s spectacular waterfalls, please visit